
This is a page full of every scammer I know starting Wednesday,July 17,2013. Avoid these jammers and make sure to report them.
@ Rare scammer. Goes after rare items like spikes and things.
? Possibly a scammer. These people can sometimes leave and take the winner of a possibly fake competition with them,not letting me know if their a scammer. Please watch out for these jammers still. Please tell me if you learn they are a guarenteed scammer.
* Normal scammer. These people go after everything. From cups to spikes,These people just love free items.
# Flash trade scammer. These are very rare,they tell you to accept their trade quickly without looking at the items. They say "Its fun!" When really their trying to scam you out of your valuable items for junk.

? puppy4243 A possible scammer who possibly scammed a bow.
@ NINJAWOLVES12 He scammed someones worn.
? SacredStarfall Possibly. Odds are no. 2 people say so,but probably not. She says she knows what it feels like,and knows its horrible. So she says shes making a legit trade to make some jammer happy. It is a small warning.
* Squll123 The adverage "send me stuff and I send you a rare" type trades. Obvious..
@ kacie1236 Stupid fox hat scammer..
? hellokitty123 Seemed to be scamming.. Please do further information for..uh...idk an imaginary spike?
@ Angle-UNKNOWN NUMBERS- I didn't get enough time to write the numbers on my paper. I can't remember. I was writing kacie1236 and this one at the same time.. She scammed a gold mummy glove. Beware of people named angle-bunch of numbers- about 4 or 5 numbers included.
? haveuseenmywolf Mabye mabye mabye.
@Xxwarriortomboy Scammed a spike.
@weirdo914 scammed a spike wristband.